Annual Maintenance Services

Serving Rupert and Burley, Idaho and Surrounding Areas

What do we do? 

We provide all the annual maintenance that your home requires.
We spread these services out over the course of a year in either 2 or 4 visits. 
​See below to see some of the highlights of the service

Quarter 1 -Bathroom​

Sanitize and clean out all sink, tub and shower drains

Prevents costly issues down the road due to excess build up in the main line. Also prevents potential flooding due to clogged drains.

Clean out bathroom exhaust fans (We fix and replace these too!)

Prevents mold issues! This is the number one reason we see mold in bathrooms and attics - dirty fans or fans that don't work.

5-point toilet inspection

Checking the float valve regularly catches tiny leaks that over time can fill up drain fields super fast! We also check for leaks at the base where small leaks can warp the floor and cause major damage over time!

Quarter 2 -Heating & Cooling​

Wash outside heat pump or AC units

Extends the life of your AC unit and lowers your energy bills by allowing air to pass through the fins more easily!

Blow out and vacuum dirty furnaces

Extends the life of your furnace and lowers your energy bills. Also helps keep your home less dusty and allergy free. For super dirty ducts, we recommend our air duct cleaning service!

Inspect attic AND crawlspace. 

Attic and crawlspace inspections help prevent major potential water damage from unseen pipes and water lines, fire hazards from open electrical boxes and energy loss from fallen insulation! 

Quarter 3 -Water Heater​

Flush water heater and vacuum out sediment build up!

Extends the life of your water heater to the point where you'll never need a new water heater again! Keeps brown water from getting in the bath and shower as well.

Test T&P valve

T&P valves are responsible for releasing steam in the case that your water heater malfunctions, opening your valve annually prevents costly and dangerous damage to your heater and home! 

Clean or replace heating elements

We clean or replace your elements annually to extend the life or your water heater and save you energy at the same time! 

Quarter 4 -Dryer & Dryer Duct​

Clean out dryer duct

Dirty dryer ducts are among the top reasons for house fires in the united states. Our cleaning prevents costly damage to your home and family.

Vacuum behind, inside and around dryer

The area around your dryer (inside and out) is often over looked as a major fire hazard with electrical outlets near flammable lint. We prevent costly damage to your home and family with a thorough cleaning.

Test batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide alarms

We test and replace fire alarm batteries on an annual basis to protect your home from the risks of fire. 

Quarterly & Seasonal Maintenance

Furnace Filter Replacement

Changing your furnace filters often prevents over working your furnace causing premature motor failure.

Water Softener Salt Refills

Regularly refilling your water softener not only keeps your water soft, protecting your plumbing but it also keeps your water softener functioning at it's peak.

Crawl space vents, hoses, etc.

By opening and closing crawlspace vents, we prevent moisture from entering and staying in the crawlspace, creating mold problems

Get Started on a worry-free home today. 

Fill out a short form to get a free quote on your home with out talking to anyone in just minutes!

Why Choose Annual Maintenance Services?

The most important assets you own are your home and the individuals that live in its walls. So why do you "DIY" the maintenance it requires or worse, ignore it all together

  • Prevent major disasters: Simple quarterly inspections and maintenance save tens of thousands of dollars in flood and fire damage.
  • Do more of what you love: We estimate we save homeowners between 20 and 40 hours a year on home maintenance, thats a week long vacation with your family!.
  • Save money: Our services are not only preventative but energy friendly, instantly saving you money on electricity, gas and water.
  • Live Worry Free: Don't lie in bed and wonder when you last changed your air filter, let us take care of your home so you can live worry free.
  • Transparency: We end every service with detailed checklist with photos so you can see exactly what is being done as we care for your home. 

Who we serve

Not sure if we're the right fit? See who finds the most value from our services

Home Owners

Our services are perfect for busy couples or families, those with large homes, or individuals who aren't able to perform these services for themselves anymore.

Multi-Property Landlords

Our services are perfect for landlords who want to protect their investments. We like to call our selves "asset managers" instead of property managers because our focus is directly on making sure your asset's retains their value


Our business plans are customizable to your the appliances, fixtures and needs in your business work space. We are great fit for healthcare offices, Car Dealerships, fitness facilities, churches, schools, and movie theaters

Schedule an estimate Today

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